10 Ways to Build a Strong Team

Learn about 10 strategies for improving communication across your teams. This infographic explains how open communication can improve company culture and competitiveness.

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Broadclyst School–Communicating with Skype

In this new clip, shows how Microsoft Office 365 with Skype for Business facilitates real-time communication and collaboration among student teams across geographies.

Skype’s video-conferencing and group-calling features support the Broadclyst School’s curriculum and enhance pupil engagement, but that’s not all. Using Skype, parents can attend and participate virtually in school meetings when they can’t be there in person–connecting them with their children’s learning. Let us help you reap the benefits of stronger partnerships too.

5 Strategies for Moving your Business to the Cloud

When a small company finds itself growing, it often faces serious challenges in maintaining an IT infrastructure capable of keeping up with the rest of the business. Leveraging cloud implementations can provide huge benefits to companies facing these challenges. Here are five strategies for moving your business to the cloud.

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GEICO turbocharges insurance innovation with Microsoft Azure

In this new clip, shows you how auto insurance giant GEICO is adopting a DevOps strategy and transitioning development to Microsoft Azure. With the Microsoft technology stack and ecosystem behind it, GEICO is moving to the cloud with a focus on greater efficiency, superior application availability, and lower costs.

‘Why Does My Business Experience More Obstacles Than Others?’ (Hint: It Doesn’t.)

Some entrepreneurs feel as if the universe is working against them. It’s a phenomenon called the headwinds/tailwinds effect.

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Office 365 Helps Small Business Do Big Work

takes a deeper look at how Microsoft Office 365 helps small business owner Scott Naucler and his three employees work together across two states to maintain wind turbines across America’s wind corridor. Office 365 helps Turbine Test Services get the job done because it is always-up-to-date, letting Turbine Test Services work easily and flexibly, whether they’re on the ground in the office, or inspecting a wind turbine from 300 feet in the air. Contact us today to find out how we can help you do the same.